Rajju Porutham
'Rajju Porutham | |
![]() Rajju Porutham | |
What is the meaning of rajju porutham?
Rajju porutham is one of the important poruthams of the 10 poruthams. Rajju porutham matching indicates the strength of girl's mangalyam [the life of the partner].
If all other poruthams are okay, if rajju porutham not matching, then the porutham is deemed to be not okay. Because, the longevity and the success of the marriage is based on this porutham.
How do we know Rajju porutham compatibility?
Rajju has different categories in itself, viz., foot, thigh, middle, neck and head rajju. Matching here means that the rajju of the boy should be different from the rajju of the girl. The Rajju porutham calculation is as follows. The stars Aswini, Aayilyam, Makham, Kettai, Moolam, Revathi form the group foot rajju.
If the stars of the boy and girl are found in the same group, they are not matching. For example,, if the stars Aswini and Moolam are the boy's and the girl's respectively, here the rajju is not matching. Foot rajju is supposed to be bad for the couple in the long run, making them wanderers and unstable in their married life. For this purpose, this match is not advised.
What are the different types of rajju or show me the rajju porutham chart?
Generally, There are 4 types of rajju based on which the rajju porutham is declared. They are foot, thigh, middle [torso], neck and head rajju porutham details of which are given below..
If the boy's and girls star both fall in the same group, it is said to be a rajju mismatch.
Foot rajju [Paatha Rajju]
Aswini, Aayilyam, Magham, Kettai, Moolam, Revathi are part of group foot rajju.Thigh rajju [Thodai Rajju]
The stars Bharani, Poosam, Pooram, Anusham, Pooradam, Uthiradam make up thigh rajju.Middle rajju [Uthara Rajju]
Krithigai, Punarpoosam, Uthiram, Visakam, Uthiradam, Poorattadhi form middle rajju.Neck rajju [Kanda Rajju]
Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Hastham, Swati, Thiruvonam, Sadhayam form the neck rajju group.Head rajju [Sirasu Rajju]
Mrigasirsham, Chithirai and Avittam form the head rajju group.Rajju porutham effects
Different rajju mismatches are supposed to bring in different effects in the married life. Each of the rajjus such as foot rajju, thigh rajju, middle rajju, neck rajju and head rajju will have a certain effect on the married life of the couple.
Paatha Rajju: Paatha Rajju represents the foot part of the body. Paatha Rajju is a group of six stars Aswini, Magham, Moolam, Ayilyam, Kettai and Revathi. If the boy's and the girl's nakshatra belong to this group and the marriage happens, it is predicted by authors of the science that there is a chance of getting hurt, physical or material, during travel.
Thodai Rajju: Thodai Rajju represents the thighs part of the body or the lap. The nakshatras that are part of this group include Bharani, Poosam, Pooram, Anusham, Pooraadam and Uthirattathi.
A wedding involving a boy and girl of any of the stars in the group could result in damages to properties in the course of their married life.
Uthara Rajju: Uthara Rajju is represented by the torso. When a marriage goes ahead without paying attention to uthara rajju, it could result in problems to their children.
Kanda Rajju: Kanda means neck and kanda rajju represents the neck region of the body. The nakshatra group of this rajju are Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Hastham, Swathi, Thiruvonam and Sathayam. The kanda rajju mismatch forbodes possible harm to the life and well-being of the wife, if a marriage is conducted ignoring this.
Sirasu Rajju: Sirasu represents the head. The group of nakshatras that are part of this Sirasu Rajju are Mirugasirisa, Avittam, and Chitthirai. These three stars do not match each other and in marriages conducted with the stars of the same rajju are not compatible. When there is a mismatch here, possible danger to the life and well-being of the husband is seen.
Is there any pariharam for Rajju porutham mismatch?
There was a recent query on Rajju porutham remedies or Rajju porutham pariharam by some body in Tamil nadu. These rules are written and generally not flexible. But, some people have suggested certain prayers, the efficacy of these are unknown.
One might wonder if there are any remedies or pariharam if the Rajju porutham mismatch. One parikaram someone suggested elsewhere is that Hanuman chalisa be chanted daily. Hanuman or Lord Anjaneya is the only deity who has control over the navagrahas and can protect us from the ill effects of navagrahas. This is related by people who have experienced such an effect personally, with less ill effects of Sani during Astamasani. Ideally, garlanding Hanuman with 108 vadas and chanting hanuman chalisa 108 times, will reduce the ill effects of the planets. At the same time, mismatched rajju reflects with different effects based on the type of rajju.