Yoni Porutham

Yoni Porutham
Yoni Porutham

Yoni Porutham

Yoni porutham meaning

In Tamil astrology, each star is assigned an animal. The yoni porutham for marriage is determined by the affinity or animosity between the animals. If yoni corresponding to the birth stars of the boy and the girl are not enemies, then it is best yoni porutham.

When matching for yoni porutham or compatibility, if the yonis (animals mentioned) are enemies then yoni porutham in horoscope does not match.

Yoni porutham chart of animals

Star Animal
Aswini, Sadhayam Horse
Bharani, Revathi Elephant
Krithigai, Poosam Goat
Rohini, Mrigasirsham Snake
Thiruvathirai, Moolam Dog
Punarpoosam, Aayilyam Cat
Magham, Pooram Rat
Uthiram, Uthirattathi Cow
Hastham, Swathi Buffalo
Chithirai, Visakam Tiger
Anusham, Kettai Deer
Pooradam, Thiruvonam Monkey
Uthiradam Mongoose
Avittam, Poorattathi Lion

Enemies in yoni porutham table of animals

Yonienemy to Yoni
Cow Tiger
Elephant Lion
Horse Buffalo
Dog Deer
Mongoose Snake
Monkey Goat
Cat Rat

Yoni porutham calculator

It is rather simple to calculate the yoni porutham between two horoscopes. If the animal in the matching horoscopes are enemies according to the table above, yoni porutham is deemed as not matching.

Yoni porutham results

Checking yoni porutham for avittam here, we see that it is a Lion. For the Lion, an elephant cannot match. So, Bharani or Revathi are a mismatch for avittam for yoni porutham matching. Similarly, checking yoni porutham for bharani, we will find that Avittam and Poorattathi are a mismatch for Bharani.

So, what is the best yoni porutham for pooram? Yoni for pooram is a rat. Punarpoosam and Aayilyam are cats. Hence, they are not matching. All other stars can be matched as per yoni porutham rules. But, this is just one of the poruthams, where you have to check and compare the other 10 poruthams, before you make a decision on tying the knot.

Is there any remedy for yoni porutham? As you know, yoni is just one of the poruthams, If one porutham does not match, if other important poruthams match, people do go ahead with the marriage.

As per this match each and every star is identified as an animal. This match is not fulfilled if there is a enemity between the yoni(animals). And for fulfillment of this match there should not be enemity between the animals(yoni) matched. This match is looked to have an everlasting happiness in the family life of the couples getting married.

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Yoni Porutham along with Marriage Horoscope in Tamil is calculated by ePanchang and Yoni Porutham table is provided free to users and a detailed table is show with Yoni Porutham meaning and other details